
My research is in the area of discrete mathematics. In particular, I’m interested in combinatorial optimization, operations research, and graph theory. I’ve also dabbled in gambling theory, voting theory, ratings techniques, computational geometry, and musical instrument design.

Hartvigsen Vitae

Here is an updated (corrected) version of a paper on vote trading: “Vote Trading in Public Elections,” Mathematical Social Sciences, V. 52 (2006) 31-48.

Vote Trading in Public Elections-update

Here is a version of a paper on musical instrument design: “Fingering Systems for Electronic Musical Instruments,” Mathematics and Music, V. 8, No. 1 (2014) 41-58.

Fing Sys (pre-final version)

The bulk of my PhD thesis addressed the problem of finding triangle-free 2-factors in graphs. Here is a version of the paper on this topic that will appear in the Journal of Graph Theory.

Tri-free 2-matchings – 2-25-24

Here is a copy of my thesis (in 4 files):



